Pycharm for mac
Pycharm for mac

pycharm for mac

⌘⇧F9 Compile the selected file, package or module.⌘⇧M Replacement structure (Special for Ultimate Edition version, need to be set in Keymap).

pycharm for mac

⌘⇧S Query structure (only for Ultimate Edition version, need to be set in Keymap).⌥F7 / ⌘F7 Find usage in file/ Find usage in class.⌘⇧R global replacement (according to path).⌥⌦ Delete to the end of the word (⌦ key is Fn+Delete).


  • ⌘⇧] / ⌘⇧[ select until the end/start of the code block.
  • ⌃⇧J Smartly splice the code into one line.
  • ⌘⌫ Delete the current line or the selected block line.
  • ⌘D Copy the current line or selected block.
  • pycharm for mac

    ⌘C Copy the current line or selected block to the clipboard.⌘X Cut current line or selected block to clipboard.⌥↩ Show intention actions and quick fix codes.⌥↓ Reduce the currently selected code block.⌘⌥T surround code (use if.else, try.catch, for, synchronized, etc.⌃I Implementation method (implement method in interface).⌃O Override method (override parent class method).⌘N, ⌃↩, ⌃N Generate code (getter, setter, constructor, hashCode/equals, toString).⌘F1 Display specific description information at the error or warning.⌘+ Mouse over the code to display the brief information of the code.⇧F1 View external documents (on some codes, it will trigger to open the browser to display related documents).⌘P Display method parameter information.⌘⇧↩ automatically end the code, automatically add a semicolon at the end of the line.⌃⇧Space smart code completion (list of filter methods and expected types of variables).⌃Space basic code completion (complete any class, method, variable).It is recommended to save it for later use. Today, I have compiled a P圜harm shortcut key encyclopedia, including Mac and Windows versions. P圜harm should be one of the most commonly used Python editors.

    Pycharm for mac